Admission for Session 2025-2026 is open now! Apply Now 👈🏻
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. - Aristotle
I believe that a Value Based Education is a powerful tool that shapes the lives of future citizens. It is our unceasing endeavour that each student leaving the portals of this Institution, leaves as a better individual, equipped with the right ideals and beliefs. This indeed, is a reflection, of the all embracing philosophy of, an integral education, which is followed by the school in its pursuit of excellence. Our dream is to produce, not just brilliant students, but students who possess a living soul. We wish to send into the world, and into society, young men and women, of honour, of sterling character and of great substance.
My first consideration is always what is in the best interest of the students. My goal is to promote academic excellence and continuous school improvement.
I see the role of the principal as providing the leadership necessary for the school to educate all students to meet or exceed the desired academic standards. Education needs to focus on personalized learning and instruction, while promoting an education system that is equitable, universally accessible, and meeting the needs of all students. It should not be like “one-size-fits-all.” Education needs to be tailored to the requirement of each individual student. The achievement of students should be of paramount importance in a successful institution. I believe in holding high expectations for students and staff, and in acknowledging those achievements.
As an effective educational leader I believe in inspiring a shared vision and fostering an environment, culture and coordinated plan, conducive to the realization of that vision.
Our staff works diligently to maintain high educational standards. We specially focus on developing Life Skills as envisaged in new CBSE Curriculum. Our goal is to teach students to read and think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively both verbally and in written and to utilize technology in relevant ways throughout their school years. In order to supplement academic excellence with all-round development of our students, there is a strong focus on imbibing student ethics and discipline and develop a deep rooted value system.
“Victory" is not an accident; but it is a success, that is brought by team work - the dedicated efforts of teachers, students and parents. Last few years has seen many of our proud students, winning laurels for their Alma Mater, in Academics, in Sports and Games, as well as in Cultural competitions. We have achieved cent-percent success in the last C.B.S.E. examination. We believe and recognize that without the support and co-operation of the parents, our efforts to impart a Value Based Education would have been impossible, in today's world and scenario.
We live in an age of technology and in a world of great advancement and change. One cannot remain complacent, and afford to spend our lives basking in the glory of the past. There is no doubt, that in order to enhance performance, to build potential and to face the frequent changes, we have to create an environment that enables our students to face the challenges courageously as well as successfully. Therefore it is essential that a sustained effort should always be there on part of each stakeholder to keep the flag of success flying high.
We admit that a sound mind in a sound body cannot be developed and nurtured without regular practice, and training and proper infrastructure. Thus we strive to provide state of art facilities to our students to give them an opportunity to excel in the field of their choice.
We believe in grooming students, not just for careers, but for life. We ensure to instill in each child, the right attitude, so that he is sensitive, to the disadvantaged and less privileged, and reaches out to the less fortunate. The emphasis, is on, awakening a sensitivity in the child, to the higher values of life.
Education is a continuous and fascinating journey, not a destination. I strive to provide the leadership that will enable all stakeholders to realize the benefits of the journey. By working together, let us produce a learning environment that is exciting, innovative, and creative for our students, equipping them to face the challenges of the 21st Century.
We want our school to be a place where your voice is heard and you see a bright future of your child. If you have ideas, thoughts or concerns you would like to share, we would love to hear about them. You are always welcome to come into the school at any time.
The Almighty has been more than generous to us. He has been our source of inspiration and support in good, as well as difficult times. We thank Him for His graces and blessings.